Saturday, February 27, 2016

Making MHR Characters: Emplate (ANOHotMU #4)

Emplate is a mutant with fanged mouths in his palms who can turn invisible, teleport, absorb the strength of others, mimic other people's powers, read auras and form a gestalt with his two mutant sisters to form a more powerful mutant.

Screw you, 90s Marvel. Seriously. You and I are in a fight. You're terrible, and the reason no one likes you is because you're terrible.*

Anyhow, I think I've made a pretty cool character out of this dog's breakfast of an idea.**

* I know, not everything from 90s Marvel was terrible, but the terrible stuff was really terrible.
** Don't hate me if Emplate is your favourite Marvel character. He's just emblematic of everything I disliked about 90s Marvel.

Solo 1d10
Buddy 1d6
Team 1d8

Natural-Born Parasite
Travelled Too Far
Amateur Mystic

Powers Sets
Energy Vampire
Hand-Mouths 1d6
Leech 1d10
Mimic 1d8
Transmutation 1d10
SFX: Afflict - Add a 1d6 and step up your effect die by 1 when inflicting a draining-related complication on a target.
SFX: Minion Creation - If an opponent is stress out of combat, they gain the Mini-Emplate template.
SFX: Transformation - On a successful action that includes Leech against a target with the Mutant Limit, inflected stress is stepped back by 1, but activate the Traveller Power set.
Limit: Bred in the Bone - Emplate can only use Mimic to duplicate powers of targets on whom he’s inflicted physical stress.

Dimensional Teleport 1d10
Intangibility 1d10
Invisibility 1d10
Superhuman Durability 1d10
Limit: Mutant -  When affected by mutant-specific complications or tech, step up a dice in the doom pool or add 1d6 to the doom pool.
Limit: Not Of This Earth - Stress caused by effects related to breathing and respiration are stepped up by one.

Covert Expert 1d8
Crime Expert 1d8
Menace Expert 1d8
Mystic Expert 1d8

Enhanced Durability 1d8
Leech 1d8
SFX: Minion Creation - If an opponent is stress out of combat, they gain the Mini-Emplate template.
Limit: Not Of This Earth - Stress caused by effects related to breathing and respiration are stepped up by one.

I mean, seriously, look at this chucklenut. Could he be more 90s? Well, he does lack pouches.

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