Tryco Slatterus, the Champion of the Univ-wait, wait, no, the
Fallen One. Oh, man, was that a delicious plotline Wasn't that great.

And, sincerely, I have to give credit to Marvel for this - they waited over 20 years before making him fall, and then they gave the title to She-Hulk. For a misogynist ass like him, that had to hurt.
Anyone, Tryco Slatter, former champion of the universe, is an Eternal dedicated to perfecting his physical form, and the face that his first words in comics weren't "Dost though even
lift?" will no doubt haunt Tom DeFalco until his dying day.
Seriously, though, look at that cheese-monkey. receding hairline, excessing long hair casually tossed across his shoulders, ornate bracers, skin-tight trunks and leggings, and a champion belt that looks like he made it in auto shop. He's a total and utter meathead, and utterly obliviously about it, and I kind of love that he's been one of the bigger movers and shakers in a couple of cosmic plotlines despite that.
This write-up is pretty much immediately after his defeat, when he's as the weakest he's ever been and may ever be. I think if I were the boost him up, it would be mostly with bonus SFX, although I might go a little cosmic and give him some extra affiliation dice, especially for solo, when he's at his peak.
By the way, I don't know how many more Elders there are in the books I'll be doing, but I intend to give all of them an "Eternal [Power Set]," representing that this is the thing they've always done. I'm not sure if that's confusing, though.
Fallen One
Solo 1d10
Buddy 1d6
Team 1d8
Chauvinistic Pig
Disgraced Champion
Smarter Than He Looks - But He Don’t Look Smart
“Eternal” Champion
Godlike Durability 1d12
Godling Strength 1d12
Superhuman Reflexes 1d10
Superhuman Speed 1d10
Superhuman Stamina 1d10
SFX: Dangerous - Add 1d6 to your dice pool for an attack action and step back the highest die in the pool by -1. Step up stress by +1.
SFX: Immunity - Spend a die from the doom pool to ignore stress, trauma or complications from poison, disease or radiation.
SFX: Immortality - Spend a die from the doom poor to ignore a source of physical stress.
Limit: Exhausted - Add a die to the doom pool and shut down an “Eternal” Champion power. Activate an opportunity to reactivate that power.
Acrobatics Expert 1d8
Combat Grandmaster 1d12
Cosmic Expert 1d8
Menace Master 1d10
Tryco Slatterus is one of the Elders of the Universe, a survivor of one of the first races to become sentient after the Big Bang. Like all of his fellow Eternals, he has dedicated his life to a single pursuit - in his case, combat. He claims to have defeated millions of foes over the years, and has defeated many of Earth’s greatest champions since his first appearance.
Despite his less subtle pursuit of perfecting individual violence, he was also a major player in the efforts of his fellow Elders that resulted in most of them being banished from Death’s realm, becoming effectively immortal, and later was the recipient of one of the Infinity Stones, the Power Stone, which eventually drove him to not just defeat his opponents, but to kill them, and sometimes even wipe out their host planets.
Eventually he was outwitted, outmaneuvered and outfought by She-Hulk, who trained hard for her fight and tricked him into giving up the Power Stone. He is now plotting with one of She-Hulk’s greatest foes, Titania, to help gain his revenge.
Tryco is a braggart and a bully by nature, and even those who are allied with him generally do so because he’s powerful and strong, and thus an expedient ally, not because they like him.
Under the influence of the Power Stone, that braggadocio was heightened and his bullying turned to cruelty and sadism.
Now that the Stone, and his championship, have been stripped from him, he’s angry, bitter and unpredictable. All anyone can know is that he is going to do his best to hurt She-Hulk as much as he was hurt.
Abilities & Resources
Tryco is astoundingly strong and durable, having spent a million lifetimes perfecting his physical body at the expense of all else. While he had the Power Gem, he relied heavily on the extra power it gave, and some of his abilities slipped a little bit as a result. He is a highly trained combatant, a master of the martial arts of thousands of races.
He relies on friends, allies and even fight promoters to get him from place to place, lacking the capacity to use his cosmic power to travel through space on his own. Despite his personality, he still has admirers in some parts of the universe who are willing to help him, and he is at least on speaking terms with his fellow Elders.