Guess which decade this chunk-of-tentacled-barf-swallowing-a-Cabbage-Patch-Kid came from? If you guessed the 90s, you get a No-Prize.
Anyhow, Eon is most strongly associated with Captain Marvel, the previous guardian of the universe, and when Wendell Vaughn (Quasar) took over the guardian of the universe role, Epoch when crazy and had to be killed because plot reasons and Epoch took over.
So, Epoch's a cosmic character, but a fairly weak one, comparatively. I have the PDF for MHR: Annihilation, so I worked off of some of the cosmic characters from there, intending to make something similar to that, but a fair bit weaker. Honestly, I've only read a couple of comics with Epoch in them, and she was kind of a side character - to the extent that I didn't know Epoch was a "she" until I started reading for this write-up, so I see this more as an effort to make a minor-level cosmic entity than anything else.
Also, I like the M-Body template. M-Bodies are how abstract universal concepts, like Eternity, Infinity, Oblivion, Love, Chaos and, well, Epoch, manifest in the physical universe. And, yes, they're pretty close to indestructible. That's the point.
Solo 2d8
Buddy 3d10
Team 1d6
Eternally Curious
Cosmic Guardian
New Kid On the Block
Guardian of Cosmic Awareness
Cosmic Awareness 1d12
Mind Control 1d12
Psychic Resistance 1d12
Telepathy 1d12
Teleport 1d12
Transmutation 1d12
SFX: Cosmic Force - When a dice pool used to create an asset includes a Guardian power, step up the effect die by +1.
SFX: Phenomenal Power - When creating a stunt, if the effect die is 1d12 or greater, it can be used twice.
Limit: Nascent Power - Shut down a Guardian power and gain a PP when Epoch’s immaturity and inexperience is a problem.
Cosmic Blast 1d12
Godlike Durability 1d12
Godlike Stamina 1d12
Godlike Strength 1d12
Shapeshifting 1d12
Warp Flight 1d12
SFX: Cosmic Form - Unless the source of stress includes a cosmic or extradimensional energy source, Epoch can ignore that stress.
SFX: Cosmic Resistance - Spend 1 PP to ignore a source of physical stress
SFX: Terrifying Aspect - When Epoch inflicts mental stress, include 3 dice in the total and step up the effect by 1.
Limit: New Form - Shut down M-Body and gain 1 PP when Epoch fails to achieve a goal or is otherwise frustrated. Activate an opportunity or recover in a Transition Scene to reactivate.
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